<アメリカ政府の情報管理体制> *情報公開法(FOIA)があり、政府全体の情報管理が監視され、国民の知る権利として情報公開請求権が認められています。 *(大統領令13292)によって特に秘密管理が必要な情報(Classified Information)が定義されています。 *大統領府内にある行政管理局(OMB)は予算の管理による監視や、連邦情報マネジメント法(FISMA)の運用に目を光らせ 連邦議会(Congress)への報告が義務付けられています。
皆様からのご支援を心よりお礼申し上げます。 sonegoro 2014・11・11
●Petition purpose
Information disclosure is the essential principle of democratic development. In addition, because its secret range is vague, it is fraught with the risk the right of the nation knowing about pollution issues or medical issues and radioactive contamination. Though many nations object, the Diet decide, by majority, without convincible deep argument and rejecting our nation's wish, this profanes democracy. Without having even the convergence of the Nuclear Plant Accident by the former Tohoku Great Earthquake Disaster, for the northeastern people, nothing ends the compensation. Children are not permitted to go out and play , and inhabitants of the highly-concentrated pollution zone of the eighborhood of power station can't return to their house anymore. In addition, the safety of the nuclear power generation technology is not confirmed at all. In such a big earthquake country like Japan, if an accident occurs once, the damage does not just remain in Japan ; but in the sea and atmosphere. The influence is enlarged on a global scale and is irreparable with human intelligence. However, as far as the Abe Administration is trying to operate nuclear power generation again and sell its technology to the other countries, such thinking of the current administration is unforgivable with irresponsibility. Even if we consider securing the nuke puke depository , as a business, it entails a large amount of cost and not much profit. So how can we look forward to a bright future? As for the procurement of the raw materials and the process of production, an on-site worker is subjected to health damage and danger. We must value the happiness of the on-site workers and think about the sacrifice of human life. It is vital for our descendants that we have an energy policy which gives top priority to life, and we must aim for a hopeful society ,so that people 10,000 years from now will live in peace.
●We do not specify to whom we will submit the signature papers , but we are sure to bring an action against specific Official Secrets Act as a first bill and "de-nuclear power generation society" as a second bill in the International Citizen's Court". (oversea campaign starts in March and plans deliberation court holding )
As we cannot depend on the government and the judiciary, which can press the government for illegality, does not exist, we must withdraw this bill by our hands the citizens as we desire strongly to build the true democratic society.
●All people of 0 year or older , and of all nationalities are qualified to sign.
Please assume the address for each person.
No pencil, only ball-point pen . (the color does not matter)
Deadline_end on March. The signature paper may be downloaded and used freely.
-Translated by Yuri Shichida-